Oral Surgery

Oral surgery and implantology are our specialties and have been nurtured and improved upon for two generations, since 1979. Mr. Sc. Danko Gikic, DMD, a renowned oral surgeon in Zagreb, passed his knowledge and experience to his son, Dr. Matija Gikic, who is also a specialist in oral surgery.

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery is a specialized branch of dentistry that encompasses a wide range of surgical procedures, including simple and complicated tooth extractions, alveotomy (wisdom tooth extraction), apicoectomy (root-end resection), sinus lifting (raising the floor of the maxillary sinus), bone augmentation (replacement of missing bone), corticotomy (orthodontic tooth extraction), cystectomy (removal of cysts or chronic inflammation in the bone) and more.

Oral Surgery
how is oral surgery performed

How are oral surgical procedures performed?

We recommend that oral surgical procedures be performed by a specialist in oral surgery. At our polyclinic, Dr. Matija Gikic carries out these procedures. All treatments are painless as they are performed under anaesthesia. Relax, you are in the safe hands of experts!

We utilize advanced technology that enables us to perform faster and more precise procedures, resulting in shorter recovery time, less trauma, and less pain for the patient:

We perform all types of oral surgery procedures, from the simplest (tooth extractions) to the most complex (Zygomatic implant placement) – from baby teeth to Zygoma.

We complement our procedures with regenerative surgery using Bio-PRF, an autologous graft that accelerates healing and eliminates potential complications.

Oral Surgery at Polyclinic Gikic – Advantages

  • Advanced technology
  • All procedures performed by an experienced specialist in oral surgery
  • Complete 2D and 3D digital diagnostics – panoramic X-rays and CBCT for diagnosis and post-operative monitoring
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration with dentists from other clinics/practices
  • Faster patient recovery
  • Expertise and quality of procedures performed
  • All services in one place: X-ray department, two operating rooms, and accommodation for patients who are not from Croatia
  • Painless procedures

Who is a candidate for oral surgical procedures?

  • Patients in need of tooth extraction or removal of retained tooth roots
  • Patients with problematic wisdom teeth (third molars) – they should be extracted by a specialist in oral surgery
  • Patients with cysts
  • Patients with impacted teeth requiring orthodontic extraction
  • Patients with insufficient bone who need bone grafting or synthetic bone replacement
  • Patients requiring sinus lifting for implant placement
  • Patients with chronic inflammation around the root apex of a tooth
oral surgery procedure
who is a candidate for oral surgery
what sets us apart
Dr. Kiyoto Shiratori (Japan)

What sets us apart from others?

We stand out with 44 years of experience in all types of oral surgical procedures, continuous education in the field of oral surgery, the use of advanced technology that facilitates our work, speeds up healing and patient recovery, and comprehensive diagnostics for all surgical procedures.

We use Piezosurgery and Bio-PRF devices in our daily practice. All on 4/Pro Arch and Zygoma procedures are our narrow specialties that allow even the most challenging patients to have fixed teeth already the day after surgery.

We take on risky and complicated cases. We restore the quality of life to patients who have lost hope. This is our mission and what fulfills us as professionals because, through our work, we are able to restore self-confidence and security to our patients.

They told you that you don’t have enough bone for implant placement? We have a solution for your case. Put your trust in the hands of a renowned expert who is fully dedicated to patients, aware that these are the most demanding cases in oral surgery.

Blog posts

Digital Technology in Dental Laboratories

Digitalna tehnologija u zubotehničkim laboratorijima sve više postaje nezamjenjiv alat u izradi protetskog rada. Pod pojmom protetski rad podrazumijevamo:

zubne ljuskice
zubne krunice
zubne mostove.

Oral surgery Pricelist

Tooth extraction from simple to complicated
when the tooth is loose or cracked, it hurts and cannot be cured, the extraction is quick, painless and there are no complications later.
Alveotomy - wisdom tooth extraction
190 €
If the wisdom tooth hurts, when it grows in the wrong position, if food accumulates and causes frequent inflammations, then it is necessary to remove the wisdom tooth and solve it forever.
Podizanje maksilarnog sinusa - sinus lift
Od 399 €
Ukoliko nema dovoljno kosti za ugradnju implantata utoliko se kost nadoknađuje ``umjetnom kosti`` i tada je moguće osigurati statiku za opterećenje implantata i krunice-mosta.
Bone graft - transplantat kosti
599 €
U slučaju većeg nedostatka kosti, koristi se ``blok-transplantat`` da se poveća volumen kosti za ugradnju implantata.
Bone ring - transplantat kosti
599 €
Postavlja se oko ``vrata`` implantata gdje kost najčešće nedostaje i tehnikom ``koštanog prstena`` osigurava se volumen kosti za dugoročnu stabilnost, estetiku i funkciju ugrađenog implantata.
Socket shield u gornjoj fronti - visoka estetska zona
299 €
Radi se najčešće u gornjoj čeljusti kada je vestibularna ``prednja`` kost jako tanka, a treba se ugraditi implantat. To je specijalna tehnika tako da trećina korijena ostane s vestibularnom kosti i čuva volumen za estetiku ``visoke estetske zone - gore od trojke do trojke``.
Širenje koštanog grebena
149 €
Kada kost nije dovoljno široka za ugradnju implantata tada se ona širi pomoću ultrazvuka za kost i osigurava se potrebna širina za ugradnju implantata.
Vođena regeneracija kosti
Od 299 €
Kada nedostaje volumen kosti za ugradnju implantata tada se radi ``giuded bone regeneration``. Cijena zahvata ovisi o količini upotrijebljenog biomaterijala.
Imedijatna implantacija nakon vađenja zuba
Od 690 €
Najčešći zahvat u našoj praksi - prilikom vađenja zuba u ISTOM AKTU odmah ugrađujemo implantat, a često radimo i privremenu krunicu tako da pacijent izlazi iz ordinacije sa zubom.
190 €
cista (šupljina ispunjena tekućinom koja ima ovojnicu) najčešće se nalazi na vrhu korijena i treba ju kirurški odstraniti pod kontrolom oka jer neće sama nestati, a s vremenom može samo polako rasti.
Apikotomia s retrogradnim punjenjem korijena
190 €
Kada je zub već liječen, a ima na vrhu korijena kroničnu upalu, tada se pristupi uklanjanju iste i resekciji vrha korijena da se sačuva zub i izbjegne vađenje.
PHD analiza tkiva
169 €
Surađujemo s bolnicom i šaljemo sve sumnjive promjene na PHD analizu kako bismo utvrdili dijagnozu uzorka tkiva.